Creating the ferroelectric using the multi ferroic phenomenon that combined electric dipole order and in the nano superstructure of the single matter is the last remaining frontier in the electronics field for supporting of the sophisticated information society. We create the multi pheroic materials from our own standpoint that use the effect from the lattice mismatch on the magnetic thin film and substance interface.
Distortion-Induced Ambient Temperature Multi Ferroic Garnet Ferrite Thin Film
We find out the development of intrinsic polarization on the magnetic garnet ferrite thin film guiding the lattice distortion. In addition, we demonstrate the mutual relation between the structural phase transition and the polarization.
Raman Spectol of Sm3Fe5O12/Gd3Ga5O12(100) Thin Film and P-V Curve

To the fulfillment of Multi Ferrogate Spin FET
For the applied multi ferroic device of Garnet Ferrite Thin Film, the heteroepitaxial growth on the basal plate with different crystalline structure is absolutely imperative. However, the garnet chemical compound has the unusual complicated crystalline structure, so there is no example of a report such as this heteroepitaxial. We succeeded to develop the oriented conducting Indium Thin Oxide on the garnet ferrite sigle crystalline.

Triangular lattice Isotonic Spin Competitive Oxide
The new type dielectric RFe204 proceeding the polarization from the transformation of ionic charge distribution is popular as against to the existing displaced ferroelectric developing the intrinsic polarization with the displacement of positive and negative ion. We succeeded to create the high quality single crystalline thin film of RFe2O4.

Contribution to BeyondCMOS from the new materials / Element using Multi Ferro glass materials