Original Papers
「Thresholdless behavior and linearity of the optically induced metallization of NbO2」
J. Kenji Clark, Y.-L. Ho, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, and J.-J. Delaunay
:Phys. Rev. Research, 1, 033168 (2019)
「Ultralow-power orbital-controlled magnetization rotation using a ferromagnetic oxide interface」
L. D. Anh, T. Yamashita, H. Yamasaki, D. Araki, M. Seki, H. Tabata, M. Tanaka, and S. Ohya
:Phys. Rev. Applied, 12, 041001 (2019)
「Bandgap engineering in V-substituted α-Fe2O3 photoelectrodes」
A. Sathe, M. Seki, H. Zhou, J. Chen, H. Tabata
:Applied Physics Express, 12(9) 091003 (2019)
「Fabrication and electrical characteristics of ZnSnO/Si bilayer tunneling filed-effect transistors」
K. Kato, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, M. Takenaka, and S. Takagi
:IEEE J. Electron Devices Soc., 7, 1201-1208 (2019)
「Assembled films of Sn-doped In2O3 plasmonic nanoparticles on high-permittivity substrates for thermal shielding」
H. Matsui, H. Tabata
:ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2(5) 2906-2816 (2019)
「Bilayer tunneling field effect transistor with oxide-semiconductor and group-IV semiconductor hetero junction: Simulation analysis of electrical characteristics」
K. Kato, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, M. Takenaka, and S. Takagi
:AIP Advances, 9(5) (2019) 055001
「ZnO/Si and ZnO/Ge bilayer tunneling field effect transistors: Experimental characterization of electrical properties」
K. Kato, H. Matsui, H. Tabata
:J. Appl. Phys., 125(19) 195701(1-10) (2019)
International Conferences
「(Keynote lecture)Biooptics and bioelectronics」
H. Tabata
:The 4th UTokyo-NTU Joint Conference, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2019.12.10
「(Poster)Coexistence of flexoelectric polarization and magnetization in strain-gradient rare-earth iron garnet thin films for spin wave devices」
H. Yamahara, S. Nakamura, Md. S. Sarker, M. Seki, and H. Tabata
:International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Systems 2019 (HQS2019), Matsue, Japan, 2019.12.2
「Spin and Dipole Ordering in Flexoelectrical Coupled Strain Gradient Garnet Ferrite Thin Films」
H. Tabata
:64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials(MMM2019), Rio All-Suites Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, 2019.11.8
「Terahertz Magnonics on Garnet Ferrite Thin Films and their Neuromorphic Application」
H. Tabata
:64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials(MMM2019), Rio All-Suites Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, 2019.11.6
「(Keynote)Magnetic, Dielectric and Optical Anomaly in Nano Structural Controlled Strain Gradient Garnet Ferrite Films」
H. Tabata
:IUMRS-ICA-2019, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia, 2019.9.23
「Demonstration of n- and p-TFET operations in a single ZnSnO/SiGe bilayer structure」
K. Kato, K.-W. Jo, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, T. Mori, Y. Morita, T. Matsukawa, M. Takenaka, and S. Takagi
:SSDM 2019, Nagoya University, Aichi, 2019.9.2-5
「Performance improvement in ZnSnO/Si bilayer TFET by W/Al2O3 gate stack」
K. Kato, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, T. Mori, Y. Morita, T. Matsukawa, M. Takenaka, and S. Takagi
:SSDM 2019, Nagoya University, Aichi, 2019.9.2-5
「Near IR Plasmonics for Bio-Medical Application」
H. Tabata
:TU-UT Symposium, Tsinghua University, China, 2019.7.10
「(Invited)Near IR Plasmonics based on Nano Patterned Metallic Antennas and Oxide Semiconductors for Bio-Medical Sensing」
H. Tabata
:Workshop on information optics 2019(WIO2019), KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019.7.1
「(Poster)Flexoelectricity and magnetism in strain-gradient rare-earth iron garnet thin films」
H. Yamahara, S. Md. Shamim, H. Tabata
:HQS Ottawa Workshop, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2019.6.26
「Material design of oxide-semiconductor/group-IV-semiconductor bilayer tunneling field effect transistors」
K. Kato, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, M. Takenaka, S. Takagi
:3rd Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2019.3.14
「(Invited)Design and Demonstration of Low Power Consumption Devices Based on Stochastic Resonance Learning from Fluctuation of Bio-system」
H. Tabata
:The 2nd Symposium for World Leading Research Centers, The Westin Sendai, Japan, 2019.2.17
「(Invited)Magnetic, dielectric and optic anomaly in strain gradient garnet films」
H. Tabata, H. Yamahara, S. Md. Shamim, A. Katogi and M. Seki
:The 8th Indo-Japan Seminar Designing Emergent Materials, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2019.2.1
「(Poster)Inter-valence Charge Transfer in Ru-Doped Cobalt Ferrite CoFe2O4」
M. Kobayashi, M. Seki, M. Suzuki, M. Kitamura, A. Fujimori, K. Horiba, H. Kumigashira, M. Tanaka, H. Tabata
:The 8th Indo-Japan Seminar Designing Emergent Materials, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2019.2.1
「Material design of oxide-semiconductor/group-IV-semiconductor bilayer tunneling field effect transistors」
K. Kato, H. Matsui, H. Tabata, M. Takenaka, and S. Takagi
:Proc. of 2019 Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), 85-87 (2019)